Course description: 

The course focuses on the theoretical concepts and practical management and leadership skills required for working in complex national, regional, and global health environments and programs. The course focuses on the issues and challenges associated with leading organizations and managing people as well as practical management skills and personal leadership development. The course will examine these topics using a multidisciplinary approach that employs different learning techniques as well as addressing issues from varied dimensions.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, the students will be able to:

1.      Demonstrate an understanding of key management and organizational theories and an understanding of the interface between theory and practice in the management of health care systems.

2.      Demonstrate an understanding of the difference between management and leadership,

3.      Describe the components of human resource management.

4.      Describe sources of power and influence.

5.      Describe techniques for managing organizational change and for building effective and adaptive health care systems.

6.      Describe the elements of strategic planning.

7.      Demonstrate skills in leadership, team building and conflict management.

8.      Describe the development and management of networks and strategic alliances.

9.      Apply the principles of leadership and management to solve complex problems in public health settings.

 Methods of Teaching:

-        Lectures.

-        Group work seminars.

-        Case studies analysis

 Course evaluation

-        Group work presentation 15 %

-        Case studies                15 %

-        Midterm                      20%

-        Final exam                   50%

Course Content

Topic one: Management and leadership (three sessions)

Session 1: Definition, concept of management.

                  Introduction to project/program management 

Session 2: Managerial steps in decision-making

Session 3:  The Manager vs. the Leader &Management and Leadership Styles

 Topic Two: Management Functions:

Session 4: Project/Program Design

Session 5: Strategic Planning

Session 6: Time Management

Session 7: Human Resources Management & Conflict Resolution

Session 8: Team Building

Session 9: Monitoring and Evaluation of programs and projects

 Session 10: Midterm test (20%)

 Topic Three: Leadership Theories & Types:

Session 11: Overview of Leadership Theories & Models

Session 12: The Strategic Leader (building coalitions, networks & alliances)

Session 13: The Visionary Leader (developing a vision & mission & goal-setting)

Session 14: The Transformational Leader–Leading Evidence-Based Decision Making


·         MSH Managers Who Lead (2008). Available at:

·         WHO Management of health services delivery webpage at:

·         Leadership Training and Development Outline (

Course Assessment

-        Group work presentation  20 %

-        Case studies                      30 %

-        Midterm                            00%

-        Final exam                         50%

 Course Policy

Students are expected to attend all the weekly sessions. A student who misses 25% of the total contact hours of this course for valid reasons is asked to withdraw from the course and receives the grade (W). If the student has no valid reason is considered failed and receives the grade (F).